Last month, 31 Aug to be exact, i went to this Rantai Art Event at Jaya One, PJ. Yea, i was so last month for god sake, cerite dah basi, but i still want to write it out. It was Merdeka Day, (in case u guys happen to forget), so instead of the usual Merdeka parade which i went last year with Fairus to see Hafiz march actually, my celebration this year was a bit different.
Last year, M'sia's 50th Merdeka

This year, MY 51st Merdeka Celebration
*pictures will b uploaded later*
There were indie band performance like Couple, skudap skudip, so & so...i was excitedly waiting to see couple performs actually but we couldnt. They were the closing act of the day and sadly we had to get back early. And ow, 'we' here are me, Teha n her couz Shila. Hafiz didnt want to go out that Sunday n i remember that Teha ade ajak to go to that event. HOWEVER, I got to see the vocalist, Aidil live though n he smiled at me when i bumped into him (i know that he smile at every1 but still~ haha..). I got to c Dugong n Am of Hujan as well. Regardless of what people might think or say, they are still one of my fav band at the moment. (now i sound like a fanatic). But sadly no pictures taken with them as i was too INappropriately shy to ask. Damn! Y? Haiyo!
There were also booth of indie labels selling cute clothes and stuff...but all i can afford was this RM14 mouth-shape-tounge-sticking-out necklace. T T. I need money!bad!

Yea, last year Merdeka Parade was more meriah, but i enjoy this year celebration as well. Thanx Teha teman aku!
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