Sejarahnye tertau sebab tengok di wakenabeb. Its fine that he replied in english when people are talking to him in Bahasa, tapi bile suro translate ke wat lagu Melayu, my brother n i was like poyo gile mamat ni "i dont do malays bla2.." well, something like that..dan lain2 lagi caranya..
Back then i donno he's an artist. Disebabkan shoutawards, then i know. So, with me already had that perception, i saw him treated fans differently at shoutaward showcase at OU. Lagi la i rase memang poyo.
Akan tetapi, my perception changed. Die menolong family menjual lauk pauk di bazar Ramadhan TTDI seperti sambal tempoyak and proud of it. Okay, it looks like the english speaking boy is Melayu habis after all. Promoting his mum's cooking does makes him looks humble.
Standard la rappers have certain ways of conversing i guess. Haha, xtau la this hiphop thingy.
Tazkirah Ramadhan: Kene ambil peluang perbaiki kesilapan. Mintak maaf mulut jahat. Mulai sekarang nak cube 'husnuzzon', sebab Islam pon suroh kite bersangka baik. Jangan teros 'jump into conclusion' dan buat assumption sendiri. They may have their own reason of doing certain things they do that we might not know or think of. Mari husnuzzon people!

pergh..1 entry pasal die saje..aku memang x boleh belah.
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