Sorry guys for being cheezy and all...ye la, posting celeb's pics plak...but i can't help it, his hotness is overwhelming. (hahaha..statement xbley bla)

ow, but minus the hairy chest..

Well, i noe he's not cit's cup of tea..she once said she prefered Chase Crawford over him. What? duh..(now i become more n more lame discussing celebs plak, haish..)

N Kadeq, jgn suke2 cakap taste aku cam bangla eh...

Ima mesti totally setuju ngan aku..hello, hello..kan ima? (haha, xpasal) Cheers to imah!
*so what about u guys? who's your celebrity crush? aku dh tau dh shepah, anas tahir..haha, bocor rahsia.
my celebrity crush will always be
Jozan... Haha.
and JT.
and Johnny Depp.
and another J-you-know-who. hehe.
celeb crush aku anas tahir?he's not celeb la...hahahaha..itu mmg crush reality.not plastic2 like this.kakakakaka~
haha...memang bagla pun haha...
tapi ko py hero ni memang comey, ak setuju 80 per cent..
aku tak main la celeb ni...haha
bak kata cepah.."plastik"
haaa ko cik anizz xhabis2 la ko..laki hensem je ko letak eh..cube la skli skla letak pic ronaldinho ke..hahahaaa
aku nye celeb crush mestila
rahsia~ hehe...
owh btw,part hairy chest tu enon suke.seluruh badan pon xpe.HAHAHA.rite dear?heee..
hahaha...gelak guling aku..
xle blah smpi part hairy chest 2..
xtau plak,jiha kate taste ko abg bangla..hahaha bleh tahan ko anis..
lawak gler..
ak nk post gak la..
ShelaBlurbSs: J-you-know-who? The J i know is Joe Jambul?
sh hafiza: ape plastic2? Penn badgely tu manusia la bukan plastic.
H E L A N G: 80% je? tau la 100% ko reserve hanye untk Ramu kan kadeq?eleh2, malu2 plak nk ngaku...eleh,jgn dgr kate cepah tu, die minat celeb gak.
morry: jen, yg ko nak rahsia2 ni, ko igt celebrity crush ko nak bukak blog aku ke?
sh hafiza: aku suke harry potter..(xpasal)
miss_aya: kadek saje je jeles aku suke org muke cam bangla..haha. abg kaligrafi yg kite g flirt2 tu pon die kate cam bangla..apis pon die kate bangla hensem.
overwhelming..u funny la aniz..hehe.he's cute ;)
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