1st day : Not much going on, we just hang out n membute in kadek's room on the evening n went to Pasaraye Survey, 3 mins drive from her house at nite to find stuff 4 2morrow's bbq.

2nd day; bbq at Teluk Likas. It takes like forever 2 lite up the choal 4 bbq. Thanx to wonderwoman pie, after so many hours trying, we finally manage to have a decent bbq meal. Beautiful scenery, not so beautiful beach. Hehe, air hitam berpasir...its so euw but we played with it anyhow. Ptg tu, we went to UMS, i got to c Nabil! rindu ko. After Magrib, we went back to Kadek's.

3rd day; Kundasang, Gerai Pekan Nabalu, War Memorial, picnic at Hotspring Poring.... my fav place of all is the the war memorial..the garden, the views is simply magical.

4th day; Lunch at Tanjung Ara, the food is just ok, but the place is nice. We went to One Borneo, they got to meet Rosyam Noor coz there happened to b an audition there but pie, me, tiqa n teha were cruising the mall 4 different mission; find cit's sandals n tiqa's bag. We went to pasar ape ntah at nite where they were loads of merchandise lah, rambang mata but i already got mine at Pekan Nabalu so i didnt spent much there. We spent the nite at Marina Court.

4th day; Lunch at Tanjung Ara, the food is just ok, but the place is nice. We went to One Borneo, they got to meet Rosyam Noor coz there happened to b an audition there but pie, me, tiqa n teha were cruising the mall 4 different mission; find cit's sandals n tiqa's bag. We went to pasar ape ntah at nite where they were loads of merchandise lah, rambang mata but i already got mine at Pekan Nabalu so i didnt spent much there. We spent the nite at Marina Court.
5th day; The day i've been waiting for, Pulau Manukan. 1st time kot naik bot rasenye, my 1st time snorkeling, and banana boat..haha. Having to enjoy it with your beloved frens is priceless. My awful sunburn is totally worth it. After Asar we went to Pasar Philiphine, and had our dinner at Sutera Harbour, a treat by Azah yg baik hati, ima's fren.

6th day; Pasar Philiphine, checkout from Marina Court to Kadek's. KKIA-KLIA, dinner at Rawsha Ampang, HOME SWEET HOME.
Thanx to each of u that make this an enjoyable trip. Not just the places we've been, the journey dlm unser yg sumbat 10 org tu pon fun. Gazilion thanx to Kadek n fam for their generosity and kindness. What a beautiful experience.=)
hehe finally cik aniz!!!!!!!!!! ko post gak new entry..busan aku asik bukak blog ko je msti x update2 huhu..yup sgt2 fun n sgt2 sweet trip gi sabah kan???espclly time sumbat kete 10 org hehe..mmg fun..!!
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