I just got back from BMI last nite, after almost a whole day of work n fun. It was the 2nd wajadiri, ( the 1st one was last year, organized by UIA) and our neighbour BMI need some hands. So jumaat hari tu ktorg gerak pegi BMI. It was 8 of us all together. Bile duduk kt JPM ( klu uia pgl OR) tgh tunggu utk dibagi keje, BMI committees kuar masok la bilik tu. Tbe2 bley jumpe x-schoolmate lak, amzar kt situ. Dulu kat konvo sijil rendah cekak pn jumpe sorang schoolmate, die cwgn kepong kot xsilap (wani kate name die azim).
Jumaat xde pe sgt. After briefing and all, we were taken to a lil tour of tempat2 the event will take place kt BMI tu. Kul 11pm, since we hvn't had our dinner yet, ktorg g planet tomyam n then to uptown, sebab de yg x bwk kasut n tudung biru 4 tomorrow. So they just wanted 2 buy those stuff there, dkt je pon danau kota. Kitorg incharge of the handing out of foods (participants, juries, vips) so there were like 2 tents provided n dewan mkn. Esok pg, sabtu we were there as early as 7, as participants will take their breakfast. Xde masalah pon, sbb ktorg tdo kat hostel BMI. Keje kitorg continues each meal time la basically; lunch n tea break.
Tp time2 kosong tu ktorg bley tgk ipt2 competing. There were 4-5 categories each for female n male. Best, dis year the competition utk bdk2 laki mmg stiff, team bgos2. Even Kolej TLDM yg tip top last year pn x menang pe2 dis year. Tapi wanita, UIA mmg hebat dlm setiap kategori. Their hard work pays, they won 1st in all the categories n juara keseluruhan wanita. Tahniah korg! Bangga wp x msok. Hehe. This year wajadiri rse lagi best sbb i see familiar faces n meet new friends, komiti2 bmi yg friendly. Thanx 4 welcoming us.
*gamba x sempat amik byk, batery camera habis.
Jumaat xde pe sgt. After briefing and all, we were taken to a lil tour of tempat2 the event will take place kt BMI tu. Kul 11pm, since we hvn't had our dinner yet, ktorg g planet tomyam n then to uptown, sebab de yg x bwk kasut n tudung biru 4 tomorrow. So they just wanted 2 buy those stuff there, dkt je pon danau kota. Kitorg incharge of the handing out of foods (participants, juries, vips) so there were like 2 tents provided n dewan mkn. Esok pg, sabtu we were there as early as 7, as participants will take their breakfast. Xde masalah pon, sbb ktorg tdo kat hostel BMI. Keje kitorg continues each meal time la basically; lunch n tea break.
Tp time2 kosong tu ktorg bley tgk ipt2 competing. There were 4-5 categories each for female n male. Best, dis year the competition utk bdk2 laki mmg stiff, team bgos2. Even Kolej TLDM yg tip top last year pn x menang pe2 dis year. Tapi wanita, UIA mmg hebat dlm setiap kategori. Their hard work pays, they won 1st in all the categories n juara keseluruhan wanita. Tahniah korg! Bangga wp x msok. Hehe. This year wajadiri rse lagi best sbb i see familiar faces n meet new friends, komiti2 bmi yg friendly. Thanx 4 welcoming us.
*gamba x sempat amik byk, batery camera habis.
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