My October was a bit hectic, weekdays are full with classes, quizes, assignments, test, presentation and all were due as final exams would start on the end of that month itself. Not to mention that it was the month of Eid, so there were constantly open houses every weekend. Im lucky to be bz, its like an escape zone from thinking about the problems i've gone through. During the 1st week of Syawal, of course i was at my kampung celebrating with my fams. It was at Selama, Perak my mum's side as always since nenek(papa's mother) passed away few years back.
It was at Ima’s. I went there with Fairus, Yan, and Tira. We went a bit late dari shepa nye rombongan, but we arrived there first. Huhu~ dah makan2 siap n they arrived about half an hour later.

3rd week
I have four raya open houses to attend that day but time won’t let me. It was Awe’s (which she had constantly reminded me) after Asar, Sarah’s after 4, Juliana’s at 8 and my persatuan Silat Cekak Malaysia also at nite. Because of the time and my silat buddies (pqa, pie, k.alya) also x pergi, I cancel out Silat’s raya feast from my schedule. I went to the others instead. I rather share my joy with my close circle of frens to awe’s, jue’s and sarah’s than socializing with random people. Call me introvert, call me anything. That’s just me.
I don’t feel like going to Ija’s because I had to get my assignments done, loads of work to do. But at the end, they manage to persuade me to go.. “ala, g lunch je, kjp je, mkn free pastu balik la”.
*pics will be uploaded later
4th week
Cit felt like wanting to do open house herself but since everyone couldn’t come, (may I remind u back, finals is at the end of this month, so everybody was kinda bz) die x jadi buat. Naj invited us to her sister's open house at 3. Everyone was not at uia, so I just went there with Shepah only for a short while. No pictures taken.
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