Alesha cakap... "SELAMAT HARI PUASE!"...tapi bukan time dalam gamba tu la. Semalam nampak shepah bukak cerita Perempuan bekalung sorban kat laptop kadek...cantik bawang putih tu pakai tudung....tengok cite Nur Kasih jugak..sopan je watak utama dua2 cerita ni..sorang sopan berpakaian, sorang lagi sopan adab...nak cube jadi sopan jugak la...hihi.
p/s:nampak cam hidayah raziap kan kat belakang tuh...hehe.
Cit : pastu?
Aniz : pastu TENGOK la!
**sori la, nak jugak letak gamba yg same 2 kali...ia perlu bagi i.hahha.
Mission accomplished after two years of dreaming.
*aku tidaklah lepas hujan je terus pulang, tengoklah siti sekali alang2. 10.30pm off we go. Pyan Habib paling mendapat sambutan.
Last year pon ade, tp time tu, what freaking song were they playing pon xtau sbb x amik skill gamelan lagi (haha, promote ni)..
Semalam browsing through youtube tgk vidoe bdk2 kaed(inspired by cepah), terjumpa klip gamelan uia, one leads to another sampaila ke caklempong budak uitm...serius hebat weh, (HENS pul tu, 2 yg penting sebenarnye)...haha,xde la...bonang yg byk gile tu dimainkan dgn pantas dan tuntas dgn 2 tangan membuatkan aku rase saron baron yg ketuk skali tu permainan baby2 plak...at least saron pekin bley la berbangga ketuk 2 kali( mesti bdk2 recreation ke swimming whatsoever tu x phm kan gamelaners?...hhaha) Korg mesti tgk jugak, aku pakse ni..
hebat kan?kan? rindu sama gamelan, x sabar untuk skill gamelan2..hee~
The only good things i can say about MAS is the food. Owh, n the stewards are ok, mesra dan servis baik. The stewardess on the other hand, sux, big time. This is what u get when u gave me poor services. haha.
Incident 1
Kepala de sikit pening, Utusan that i took was left unread. Ainon took Utusan as well. Before we take our nap, kami selit Utusan in our front compartment. Aku dah jage bile die ckp akan mendarat kat labuan bla2..The stewardes began collecting the newspapers when Ainon is still sleeping. She took mine n i said;
ME: Lagi 1 tu biar dulu la (refering to Enon's coz i wanted to read it)
STEWARDES: Bile nak bace? (still waiting for me to pass it)
(kerek gile, suke ati la nak bace bile2...but i still hand it to her. Plane tu mendarat di Labuan lebey kurang setengah jam pas tu n we were on the same flight to KK. Klu aku nak bace pon sempat je..keco.)
Incident 2
Kami transit di labuan sebelum ke KK selama 40 minit n for that time being, kami hanya stay on board while the plane is less than half full. Keluarlah si stewardes tadi with her tray of orange juice. Bile ingat balik, she's not offering us the juice pon tapi jalan straight je as i come to remember that Cit ask for it, "Kak, nak air bley"..then she stop. Some of us took the juice and Cit put her crumpled Ferrero Rocher wraper on the tray.
STEWARDES: Amik balik sampah tu bley tak? (cit amik balik, die blah)
KITORG: ( speechless, looking at each other) How rude is that??
Incident 3
Kat Sabah, MAS yg jage counter sungguh uncooperative(dgn isu lugage) dan sangat annoying, sy pon mls nak type lagi dan anda pon mls nak bace lagi dgn berkate "pahal Aniz type panjang2 ni, malas aku nak bace"...cume ape yg nak saye katekan, stewardess die ngn lelaki bley bagi senyuman yg manis, tapi dengan kami 9 gadis layan cam haram, how can i say..sexist to their own kind? With their owh-im-so-hot-but-kerek-so-smack-me-in-the-face look.
Kesimpulannya, by lowering the fares, its fine for MAS to cut the cost here and there, like collecting back the newspapers, but come on..'cutting' the quality of the services as well?
This was yesterday;
Izyan : Allah salallahu alaihi wassalam.
Iylia & Mama : (gelak x ingat dunia). Allah subhana wa ta'ala la..