Saturday, December 27, 2008
Quote of the Day
Aku terime mesej dari Ieb siang tadi. Sangat bermakne, make me look at the bright side. Tapi mestilah, aku sedia percaye yang setiap yang berlaku pasti ade hikmahnye. Allah Maha Mengetahui. Tapi kadang2 biase la, sedih kadang datang main cak2 plak ngan aku...Sunyi plak x malu tiap2 hari nak singgah. Thanx ieb, aku senyum lepas dapat mesej tibe2 ko. Camne bley tibe2 ingat aku ni? Dah tu bagi mesej cam perli baek punye. Hehe. Kepada kawan2 ku yg dah menjanda sekalian (haha, sape yg terase nasibla) ini juge untuk kalian supaya lebih berfikiran positif.
"Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kite dengan orang yg salah supaya kite sedar bahawa ALLAH Maha Pemurah & Penyayang kerana mengingatkan kite bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yg hebat untuk kita & kehidupan kita pd masa depan. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita lebih faham bahawa cinta yg terbaik hanya ada bersama ALLAH. Maka jagalah cintamu kpd ALLAH..nescaya cinta2 lain akan menyusul...=)"
Tapi, walaupun aku berjumpa org yg salah ( not the right one for me) tp aku tetap bersyukur. I've learn a lot. Die buka mata aku pada kesusahan and keep my feet on the ground. Aku x mintak pilihan & kehidupan yg hebat. Cukup la yg sesuai dengan aku. Haha, gile deep entry nih. Jangan gelakkan aku k.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Mama dan nyamuk cicunya
Mak aku pon sampai..aku tgh sapu lg, die hon2. Aku ingat die soh bukak gril depan tu, rupenye soh tutup pintu umah aku nnt nyamok msok. " Iylia, skarang ni denggi bukan dr nyamok aedes je tau, nyamok cicunya pon"..aku drag sampah ke tepi, bukak gril n mak aku pon msokkan keta.
Dustpan plak xde. Aku g amik kt blakang, aku masok dlm rumah. Pastu aku bukak pintu nak kuar balik n start gunekan dustpan tersebut. Mak aku mjerit dr dlm rumah.." Iylia, ni nape biar pintu bukak balik ni? bahaye nnt klu nyamok cicunya masok. hish, budak2 ni x pham2 la."
Dah siap sapu sume, aku msok rumah. Mak aku meneruskan syarahannya, biasela dulu kan cikgu.."iylia tau x nyamuk sikunya tu bley wat lumpuh sendi2 sume bla22..." (tbe2 dgr cam mama kate nyamuk sikunya plak, name sebenar die wallahualam, mls nak bertanya lebey lnjut)
Lagu ini pon memerliku
Dan mungkin masih sampai ke?tak2. im so over it.
Shepah, jom gelak same2.
Yuna Dan Sebenarnya (klik la utk dgr lagu skali)
oh bulan
enggan melayan diriku lagi
pabila, air mata membasahi pipi
dan lagu2 di radio seolah2 memerli aku
pabila, kau bersama yg lain
adakah perasaaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarya ku mengharapkan di sebalik senyuman mu itu
kau juga merindui aku
ku enggan , berpura pura ku bahagia
ku enggan, melihat kau bersama si dia
oh ku akui cemburu telah menular dalam diri
pabila, kau bersama yang lain
adakah perasaaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarya ku mengharapkan di sebalik senyuman mu itu
kau juga merindui aku
pabila kau merenung matanyaku rebah,
jatuh ke bumi
di saat kau benar-benar mahu pergi
seperti ku bernafas dalam air
adakah perasaaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarya ku mengharapkan di sebalik senyuman mu itu
kau juga merindui aku oh–
Thursday, December 18, 2008
1. Take a recent picture of yourself OR take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instructions with your picture.
5. Tag people to do this. ( yg len sudah ditag, so nabil je la)
since im currently not covering my aurah now, i can't just take a picture and post it. I have to change= need to ikat n sanggul my hair n wear the tudung. So bye2 rule number 2. I put the MOST recent photo of me instead.
Taken by the 2nd tagger.
but, u cant really c my face dont u? i noe its unfair...hee~ to make up for it i put another pic yg mukeku lebey terpampang but with a fren. Yea, it only ask for A recent PICTURE(with no S) but wth. ( aku nk 2njuk jgk gmba jln2 g necklace mcm korg ^_^)
suddently decided to put another 1
Monday, December 8, 2008
Izyan : Iylia, esok hari raya haji ke hari raya korban?
Hari raya Korban kan?
Aku : ( GIVE HIM THAT LOOK, with a good 5 second pause)
Izyan, Raya Haji ngan Raye Korban tu SAMELAH!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
1. i've received messages from Fateha on 21st Nov while i was in BMI. I was shock, geram, tension, sedey, sume ade. I wanted to post it but i dont know, i just didnt, until now. I guess its because i dont want to let it get into me..haha. But eventually i do have to face it and add up one more thing to my plan during this hols = studying OB. Imagine sitting for the same paper without even failing. Follow the link to know more about this stupid incident. Here.
2. Whats up with the celebs these days? Skang musim orang cerai berai..isteri2 mintak cerai. I guess they saw how strong Abby and Nora Danish stood up for their principle and manage to survive. Ye la they have their own problems and who are we to judge. Tapi cam sgt ramai, its insane. Mcm culture plak jadinye. Zakiah Anas, Wife Radhi OAG, Siti Fairus ( xtau pon sape, tp sokkabar kate artis), erma wife seri bayu?...ape2 pon, wishing them all bahagia. Women are now able to stand on their own feet, laki buat taik bye2 la ko.
3. Regarding Yoga practise. Its about time that they declared it haram. Actually, aku tau dah lame, not that i read or done research about it or anything but my silat coach ( now the penyelia of kelas latihan uia En. Fuad Arshad) pernah cakap pasal ni, long before mufti kate haram. See, martial arts is not all about physical but something deeper, spiritual, things like that. It all started when his colleague at BNM, a chinese expressed his concern on Malays(Muslims) yang sgt suke blaja seni culture lain cam taek wan do, yoga, pilates yang semestinya connecting to our inner side, and closely related with something spiritual, religion. Silat Cekak (idk bout other Silat) warisan Melayu pon adalah base on Islam, pergerakan solat dan asas2 Islam. Xmustahil seni2 lain pon are taken from their religion. Kawan Cina ni ckp Yoga adalah pergerakan2 dewa2 Buddha, taek wan do pon related to buddha, x berdosa ke orang Islam buat bende ni? Cine pon boley risau untuk kite, nape kite sndiri xbley pikir. So kawan, renung2 kan dan selamat beramal.
4. Ni aku rase nak sepak2 je so called society yg kononnye pertahankan human rights. Ble mufti kate Haram, this applies to MUSLIMS. Gays and Yoga are haram for Muslims, so be it. Klu ko bukan Muslim, back off! Mind your own business. U dont have the right to lashed on the fatwa because it doesnt concerns u at all, ko nak jd gay ke nak practise yoga ke, suke hati ko la. And arguing with stupid comments and argument kosong make me sick. Go read the Quran or get sufficient knowledge on the basics/fundamental of Islamic teaching before u even say a word. U know nothing about Islam but u want to argue smthing bout it. DUH? and to those protester of Selangor yg nak go naked, korg go to Hollywood je la. Kat sini xleh masok media, sbb xrated. Klu kat sane gamba korg mesti laku. At least u got the attention u seek tapi kat sini u got cought je la stupid. And Sisters in Islam, y d hell are u 'labeling' yourselves Islam in the 1st place? Please, its sickening.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Kemalasan melanda-landa... (note: adiylia majid seorang yg pemalas sejak azali lg)
Aku mau update blog ni, aku mau cerite banyak ni tapi...
ok, my fav quote as always "nantilah". ok (^_^)y
btw, sundae coklat kini lebey murah rm3 to rm2. Sila dptkannye di McD berhampiran anda. Tawaran hanya sah sehingga 7 Dec ini. Cepat!! I want one!
Friday, November 28, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jumaat xde pe sgt. After briefing and all, we were taken to a lil tour of tempat2 the event will take place kt BMI tu. Kul 11pm, since we hvn't had our dinner yet, ktorg g planet tomyam n then to uptown, sebab de yg x bwk kasut n tudung biru 4 tomorrow. So they just wanted 2 buy those stuff there, dkt je pon danau kota. Kitorg incharge of the handing out of foods (participants, juries, vips) so there were like 2 tents provided n dewan mkn. Esok pg, sabtu we were there as early as 7, as participants will take their breakfast. Xde masalah pon, sbb ktorg tdo kat hostel BMI. Keje kitorg continues each meal time la basically; lunch n tea break.
Tp time2 kosong tu ktorg bley tgk ipt2 competing. There were 4-5 categories each for female n male. Best, dis year the competition utk bdk2 laki mmg stiff, team bgos2. Even Kolej TLDM yg tip top last year pn x menang pe2 dis year. Tapi wanita, UIA mmg hebat dlm setiap kategori. Their hard work pays, they won 1st in all the categories n juara keseluruhan wanita. Tahniah korg! Bangga wp x msok. Hehe. This year wajadiri rse lagi best sbb i see familiar faces n meet new friends, komiti2 bmi yg friendly. Thanx 4 welcoming us.
*gamba x sempat amik byk, batery camera habis.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Mac/iPod Discovery Week @ Pavilion KL Concourse

Its on last Sunday, November 16th. Well, if its about seing bands performing, it would hv been with cicit/fateha. She rang me to tell bout that event and of course i said yes. It started at 4 but we arrived a bit late. Cit came to Keramat from sg.buloh to fetch me at a nearby petronas. My dad was on his way out, so he drop me there as cit is not familiar with the place. It rains heavily at the time but it does not prevent us from going. We basically followed the map drew by my dad along the way to Pavilion, sebab x ingat jalan, takut sesat...haha. Yuna was still performing at the time. Thank God. But we only manage to hear 2 songs from her. Its ok though because i got to hear 'After Midnight' live. Then, there were Couple with their songs. I had a delicious Jco donut before we went home. It couldnt get even better. The day was great, thanx Cit.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
My New Crush

Well, Nanny Diaries didnt do much for me..but i've watched Disturbia last week at HBO and i suddently admires that kiddo Shia LaBeouf..haha. I know that he's starring in Transformers, Indiana Jones and Eagle Eye, all of which i haven't seen. But before, im not really into him because of his babyface and jambu look. Im not that excited to see him in a movie but only in eagle eye because the trailer seems great. But after watching this, seriously my perception changed. His acting and personality in that movie wows me. I begin to feel that his kinda cute though yet smart and rough looking with his appearance and acting style. His side kick, that asian guy's acting is good too, they are so natural and funny. See the trailer;
*ow, n the girl has seriously smoking body. if only mine were like that.haha.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wishlist/ Plan/ Whatever u may call it
All to be done during this 5 weeks holiday!
* checked/ done!
*must be done!
- g tengok movie after exam is over * (its James Bond, Quantom of Solace. All i can say is that the money spent was worth it)
- buy a shoe * (i dont get the black peep toe that i wanted, n not the blue wedges either. Shepa influenced me to buy a beige pointing shoe with 2-3 inch heel sbb murah gile kt vinci. I actually wanted to buy the red one at first)
- Present 4 Abgnaz's Birthday * (i got it from Isetan, KLCC..a very good deal, Izyan likes it too)
- scaling * (only cost me rm2 at gov clinic at kramat. I went there alone. Well, im an independent woman nw, a trooper..haha)
- Buat Facebook *
- Update my blog *
- Mac/iPod Discovery Week @ Pavilion KL Concourse- Yuna, Couple * (not only we got to c yuna n couple, but andy flop poppy as well. not that im excited to c him,but just informing)
- Watch Nanny Diaries * (x best sangat pon. Not as entertaining as i was expected)
- Committee for BMI -Pertandingan Wajadiri IPT Kebangsaan Silat Cekak Msia *
- Go out with my buddies, my long-time-havent-seen schoolmates especially *
- Tidy up bilik tgh yg full with boxes from the renovation. *
- decorating *
- Try McD new meal 4 madagascar 2. *
- Fish Spa with Mama *
- Buy a jeans *
- Supporter 4 Sukan Universiti Asia *
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My Diary
Life Change, People Move On
Date : 2.11.2008
Time : 8.30 pm
I can’t be lying and said that single life is better. To be honest, I’m still adjusting myself but im doing okay now, not great, just fine. I’m slowly getting better, sure with tears once in a while (bocor rahsia aku). Learning to stand on my own feet and discovering myself after depending too much on others for years. This is what I want so I should be able to live with it. Allah help me through n through, it’s the fact that we sometimes forget (I, i mean). Hanya mencari disaat hiba. I know things happen for a reason. I should accept whatever that had happened. Be grateful, because He knows best.
Jiha save me a seat. Im joining your club! Hahaha…section open.
Moment to ponder
Date : 3.11.2008
Time : 7.15 pm
“In life, Allah may not give you the things that you want, but He gives you the things that you need. To remind you of whom you are and what you should be.”
Nabila forwarded this message to me long time ago. It struck me deep at first. I sometimes keep saying this to myself to keep my feet on the ground. Im thankful to be given to meet the people I’ve met, I’ve loved and those I’ve befriended with. Sorry mama, for always being ungrateful.
Shubi duap pappa..
Date : 4.11.2008
Time : 9.05 pm.
3 down, 2 more to go….coming up next is Business Ethics paper on 8/11 and Financial Management 1 the next day. But I don’t feel like studying right now. I went to JJ Wangse Maju after fiqh paper this afternoon. I want to add up more to Fairus presents. I end up buying a sunglass and a blouse for myself. I still got Fairus’s stuff though. I went looking for shoes too, a black peep toe shoe, instead a blue wedges sandals at Nose caught my eye. Still, I don’t know whether I should buy it or not.
Ow, Enon and Ima were there with me. The rest mrayap tempat len. Shepa n cit went to watch Hanayuri Dango movie at KLCC..nak tengok jugak! But it shows late in the evening, I’ve got things to do and I really, I mean really have to watch my spending. I have loads of things to buy but I’m running out of money so I allow myself to only ONE movie ticket. So I’ll save my pleasure for the last, which is after my final is over. Money! I need u! Ow, and the Sabahan girl went out with her father. That’s all I can crap for now. xoxo.
Finally, Pie's present.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
tagged by fateha.
I dont really feel like doing it, tapi sebab ko cit, aku wat la..huhu
1. 7 ciri wanita/lelaki idaman anda
- beriman
- loyal
- dependable
- smart inside out.
- caring
- romantic
- responsible n good with kids
- jiran sepermainan
- skandal2 skola menengah
- tom cruise ( this is way back in primary school, he was still handsome at that time)
- chad micheal murray
- noh hujan..hahaha
- hafiz
3. 7 perasaan sekiranya keluar dengan seseorang yang anda minati.
- over the moon
- nervous
- unsure (of what to wear, what to do)
- thinking of what he thinks about me.
- flattered
- shy
- feeling of accomplishment..haha
4. 7 tempat istimewa yang ingin dilawati bersama pasangan anda.
- dimana- mana
- saja
- jadi
- istimewa
- bile
- bersama
- pasangan
5. 7 barangan sesuatu istimewa yang mungkin akan anda hadiahkan pada pasangan anda.
- baju
- jam
- bear
- cards
- pictures of us
- things that he likes
- love and memories
6. 7 tajuk lagu yang akan anda nyanyikan untuk pasangan anda.
- bertakhta di hati - Farahdiya
- Ingkar - BCL
- Berdua Lebih Baik - Acha
- How can I live without u - Lee Anne Rimes
- Simbiosis - Ella
- Wherever U will go - The Calling
- Because u love me - Celine Dion
7. 7 rakan yang anda tag dan mahu mereka buat PERIHAL 7 ini.WAJIB!!mereka musti diberitahu akan perihal ini heheh
- shepa
- ainon
- jiha
- ima
- nabil
- ino
- fairus
*name2 brikut adalah org yg agak berahsia dalam kisah2 mereka.
*sori la cit, klu aku jawab ntah ape2 jer..huhu~
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My October was a bit hectic, weekdays are full with classes, quizes, assignments, test, presentation and all were due as final exams would start on the end of that month itself. Not to mention that it was the month of Eid, so there were constantly open houses every weekend. Im lucky to be bz, its like an escape zone from thinking about the problems i've gone through. During the 1st week of Syawal, of course i was at my kampung celebrating with my fams. It was at Selama, Perak my mum's side as always since nenek(papa's mother) passed away few years back.
It was at Ima’s. I went there with Fairus, Yan, and Tira. We went a bit late dari shepa nye rombongan, but we arrived there first. Huhu~ dah makan2 siap n they arrived about half an hour later.

3rd week
I have four raya open houses to attend that day but time won’t let me. It was Awe’s (which she had constantly reminded me) after Asar, Sarah’s after 4, Juliana’s at 8 and my persatuan Silat Cekak Malaysia also at nite. Because of the time and my silat buddies (pqa, pie, k.alya) also x pergi, I cancel out Silat’s raya feast from my schedule. I went to the others instead. I rather share my joy with my close circle of frens to awe’s, jue’s and sarah’s than socializing with random people. Call me introvert, call me anything. That’s just me.
I don’t feel like going to Ija’s because I had to get my assignments done, loads of work to do. But at the end, they manage to persuade me to go.. “ala, g lunch je, kjp je, mkn free pastu balik la”.
*pics will be uploaded later
4th week
Cit felt like wanting to do open house herself but since everyone couldn’t come, (may I remind u back, finals is at the end of this month, so everybody was kinda bz) die x jadi buat. Naj invited us to her sister's open house at 3. Everyone was not at uia, so I just went there with Shepah only for a short while. No pictures taken.
Friday, September 26, 2008
life sux
Currently hate my life and everyone closely related to it. I wish my life would be different... I dont think this raya would be fun. n i think it would be my worst ever. Some people are just lucky. y can i b? im being ungrateful. i know. anger n frustration made me.
Thursday, September 18, 2008

This year, MY 51st Merdeka Celebration
*pictures will b uploaded later*

Yea, last year Merdeka Parade was more meriah, but i enjoy this year celebration as well. Thanx Teha teman aku!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
It was in june that i planned to start a blog because i was damn bored during the 3 month semester break. I was online all the time,but then, i goes 'nantilah'....the 'nantilah' continues n my hols has already end, while new semester begins with tons of quizzes, asignments, midterms, surely made me accupied until the midterm break..Hee~,i finally have loads of spare time now but not for long. Its the last day of my 7days hols actually. Back to the 'nantilah'... well,of course it has come to an end. I've finally created a blog! Yeay! clap3. Wait, on 2nd thought, what am i so excited for? This is a burden!
Ok, this will be like my on9 diary, well sort of. I dont intend to write a lot but post a lot of pictures instead (but i may change my mind through time). Can i? Ah, hu cares, its my blog after all. hee~cheers to all.
p/s:im an amature here, be nice to me ok.